Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Great band, should really have hit the big time


Jim or Lemmy will shoot fuck all from their current position.

I made the decision to ignore the LLS tonight. Did he do a soft cock interview with Tubs?


I assumed that was Billy Rae Cyrus😅

If Whipping Boy and Power of Dreams never made it I’m not sure what the criteria were.

I remember Suede were white hot
Cranberries supported them. Linger came out and it was Suede who in US.

Sometimes it’s just a song and lots of luck

He’s about as rock n roll as Norma Foley

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There’s a 90’s rock band vibe off Norma Foley and her bowl haircut

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Suede were genius. Ahead of their time maybe


Ah shtop. He’s a new album out, he’s doing the circuit. He’s playing the game of life with his own rules. Some fellas played with a different set of rules and are dead.

Wouldn’t be rock and roll alright.

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Behind it actually, stole it all off Bowie

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It was a time of flux and they got left behind by the bigger personalities.

But mainly Linger.

All good art is theft.

Anderson married a girl from Offaly. Was a regular in a few local pubs there a mate of mine from college said.

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Why does Dr Tony flat out refuse to apologize for the cervical check scandal?

Because he’s a cunt


Maybe Tubs might ask him next time

He came across very well there.

This woman is a national treasure

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Hard to reconcile the disease with the woman there.

What’s the riptide movement?