Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel


Whereabouts in Galway city is he from? He mentioned Moneenageisha and Mervue so somewhere out the east side I presume?

I thought Westside but don’t know for certain

Westside is rough enough is it?

Not since Knocknacarra was invented

He has a type

Used to be roughish. Not so much any more since they knocked the Rahoon flats.

And the Westside Tavern closed down

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Jesus, poor guy that bloke steevo

Bressie would want to watch his back

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He came across well

Not at all, his Lordship @flattythehurdler is a Rahoon-NC man

Wrong sport

Nowhere is rough in Galway really tbh.


Jesus. The arrogance.

Article from the paper of record…

The Late Late Show will this year be broadcast for the first time on a Wednesday, to mark St Patrick’s Day.

Up to now, the longest running chatshow in the world has always been broadcast on either a Friday or a Saturday.

This year’s programme will reflect the fact that no festivities will be held this year to mark St Patrick’s Day as a consequence of the pandemic.

It is hoped the event will have a virtual audience of hundreds of thousands of people across the world and be a “global hub” for what has usually been a big day worldwide.

Host Ryan Tubridy said: “Since the pandemic hit, we have made it our business to embrace Ireland like never before on The Late Late Show and show the best of who we are– and that is what we are going continue to do on St Patrick’s Day.

“People cannot come to Ireland this year, and we can’t go visit, so what we can do is put on an extravaganza that celebrates the joy, beauty and passion of being Irish.”

All parades and gatherings in Ireland for St Patrick’s Day have been cancelled for a second year in a row. Most parades around the world too have been cancelled as a result of the pandemic.

Viewers from abroad who wish to be in with a chance to participate in the virtual audience can log onto

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Maybe we should all apply to be in the virtual audience and when the opportunity arises we can sign “Ryan has a mangina” et la step brothers

He’ll probably dress up as a leprechaun

Nah, he’ll do it like Fido Dido on speed, just like the toy show.

Ewans on fire lately. I put a joke application for the valentine special last year for a mate. This tops it


Some of the response to Tubridys whoring have been marvellous. Tubridy - “Do you live abroad and want to get involved in the Patrick’s day show”, and in the same breath “sure you do”. He got his answers pretty lively.