Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Shane is getting better looking with age. There’s none of us ugly. Just poor

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They tend not to pick ugly lads for boybands in fairness

He was a very average looking chap as a young fella. He was in the band because he could sing. Seems a nice enough fella to be fair

That inhaler crowd sound exactly the same as about 400 other bands.

Reminded me of this

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Oisin Kiernan the Cavan footballer seemed like an alright sort there.

Shane Filan’s career is dying right before my eyes.

Thought it was his folks’ death he was there to talk about?

Shane filing for bankruptcy

Fixed that


Sick bag time

This lad is a pure buffoon. Tis no wonder the FG spin team kept him away from the media for his last few years as Taoiseach

He looks like a complete mad man.

No 70 years old with hair like that ever did an honest days work

Giving it a roundabout “no comment” on anything political

That was a very odd interview

As usual, did Enda really need to be in Dublin for it

This Spillane cunt.

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He’s fab isn’t he

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