Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Not the only thing she’s on once a month


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Miggledy and Tubs on now and not via zoom. Surprised more aren’t hopping mad at this

The interview with Michael d is very good so far.

He lives well within 20km shur. Cunt probably used govt jet to get there though!

Micheal D playing a stormer here

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Impressive interview in fairness to him. Very positive while having a cut off every topical issue.

Does he have a new book?

I hope I have half his energy when I’m 80.

Not even Tubbs can screw up an interview with our President

He still managed to interrupt him a couple of times, unsurprisingly.

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Imelda May singing Happy birthday in Irish, signing out

Michelle O’Neill and two girls that were the subject of terrifying stalking ordeals.

Michelle O’ Neill has a 28 year old daughter by my calculations. Baby when was 16.

Jamie Wall… Wan of our own

Is he able to walk again? Only after turning it on.

He’s on?

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Was he not in a wheelchair?

He still is I think

Oh right.