Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Outstanding. The entire show was a real feel good event. I doubt you’d find a bad beat in it.

Dr Jekyll is wrestling Hyde, for my pride

Tis fucked.

Social media spins up the hype and the Fiona’s lap it up. There is savage competition between the Fiona’s with many retakes of staged photos with kids…

“smile Jack you little cunt” until she gets the perfect shot and it’s uploaded in jig time and she waits for the likes to roll in. Her weekend hangs on this.


Way too long. Children watched it in stages throughout today but got bored of it fairly quickly.

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wooly sitting there in his onesie, and actig the hard man on twiter


I’ll have a word, I’m sure he didn’t mean that

‘Extremely online’

If you use the phrase “extremely online” you’re extremely online.

Any way in which I’ll be able to download thw Toy show? Will see if my daughter is interested (probably not as it won’t have Chase).

On the RTE player?

You sir, have won the Internet

I’m extremely online.

Yeah but that’s a bit more work; suppose it will do though.

If it toys she’s interested in, then don’t. There’s sweet fa of them.

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Our brave girls that thumped Georgia back across the Caucasus will be on tomorrow.

Great to see heroic performances acknowledged on the LLS

“How much do you like Westlife?”
“I was about to pop in Croke Park!”

The hipsters choice Vera Pauw has brought the buzz back to Irish women’s soccer.

Jesus Christ but this is shite.
Netflix is down FFS

Do you lads actually watch this bollocks?