Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Champ is a decent human being


Whatever your opinion of the gubberment or his party. The man has had some awful tragedies in his own life.

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I’d say you’re on the ball here.

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Adi Roche bringing the passion

She’s looking fresh for 66.

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Ireland’s First Lady

FFS, another appeal where the donation system has crashed and you cant make a donation. Surely the charities should have some forward planning to prevent this

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The boy in the striped pyjamas on now!

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He was in Circle of Friends apparently.

A rich man’s Mary McAleese.

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He was in spy kids aswell

That Adi Roche is for the birds, space cadet.

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Putin may yet use Mìcheàl as a body double. A few grand of cosmetic surgery to replace the gormless look with the botox of unflappability and power.

Tony Connolly, Mary McAleese and Mary Robinson talking about Ukraine.

Robinson could be useful there in understanding what it’s like to trust an evil dictator.

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Mary McAleese will chime in with the part how you smile and smile and be a villain when it comes to the talks and agreements section.

It’s great that a heavy hitter like Tubs is hosting the show.

Will Robbo shed a few tears tonight.

Is it me or has Mary Robinson had that blue jacket forever?

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