Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

They are lapping it up

Most of them probably had run through several brick walls during their lives.

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Youā€™d probably be safer at that than trying to run through him. Heā€™s atinā€™ himself into a coffin.

Michael D has been the glue that held the nation together during troubled times


To be fair when I heard this show was to mark 100 years of the FAI I thought it had all sorts of potential.

I was looking forward to tales of copious amounts of duty free and whores in Poznan and Sofia and Tirana, a re-telling of the Night Of The Long Knives at the Westbury in March 1996 (that hotel saw some amount of action that month), Bernard Oā€™Byrne telling us about how Eircom Park was the future, Saipan revisited, Eamon Dunphy ranting about ā€œthe Midgets Of Merrion Squareā€, John Delaney furiously denying he took loans and giving a tie to everybody in the audience, before being surprised by a special guest appearance by George The Greek.

Stephen Kenny has restored a sense of hope and belief to the Nation

A good LOI man is a great Irishman as the saying goes


I once worked in a Hotel where Gavin Fridays playlists had to be adhered to at all costs(pre spotify). They mostly consisted of David Grays White Ladder ad nausiem. I called him up on it one night and told him they were shite. He hasnā€™t spoke to me since


Jesus I had visions of Jackā€™s children being of a younger vintage for some reason. Wasnā€™t he very friendly with Alan Kearns parents?

David O tory is a prick

Paul looking mighty, the cunt looks mid 30s.


Mario Rosenstock will be joining Ryan tomorrow evening.


Final show of the season. It should be a cracker.

He deserves a break at this stage




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Good to see Christy again. Be interesting to see how heā€™s getting on since his last appearance a few weeks ago.


Heā€™s quite possibly isolating somewhere in the building and makes fleeting appearances when the PCR test allows.

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This could tip a few people here over the edgeā€¦

HB to the LLS which is 60 and FOTF Tubs who is 49 apparently.