Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Peak Partridge


I’m kinda borderline nearly over the snow jokes. The cunt is brilliant with kids, it’s a skill and the patience of a saint to give him his due. He needs to lay off the devils dandruff all the same.

Jesus I think he’s fairly piss poor with the kids

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How would you get on yourself? What would be your approach?

Edit: I’m taking this back

I wouldn’t need the Bolivian marching powder anyway to take the piss out a few young lads and lassies and have them rip the piss out of me.


What time is this shit finished

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She’s autistic you gowl


Graham Norton has Daniel Craig and flattys pal John Bishop so not much better.

Yeah I edited it when that became clear my man

Fair play to you

She’s a good one. Fair play to her

It doesn’t feel like Xmas until the grinch arrives. It does now. Must put the lights up.

Just watch the older lads eyes :joy::joy:

Ryan was a serious pro there. That’s not easy

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Classic. Some young lad from Mayo like a bull in a china shop.

Cuckoo’s Nest :clap::clap::clap:

Savage few tunes there.


Best part of the show and they get about 90 seconds.


This girl isn’t Ukrainian at all, she has better English and irish than the other girl.