Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Johnny the sheep farmer from Meath with the full roaster rig out.

This chap from Westmeath could be on the spectrum

All afraid to pick the black lad


Racism Ted

That lady must be far right.

The French fella will walk this.

She’s rank

She picked him


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Well matched couple in fairness.

This show is a missed sponsorship opportunity for Easi-Singles.

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Stirring rendition of keep on moving there. A great song.


The guard was probably the catch there but the farmer took him out of the equation early doors.

Holy fuck, this is surely a sign of the apocalypse

Did I hear that Allison Spittle has a boyfriend who she watches pointless with?

A boyfriend of 10 years

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The Harriers :clap:


This man from Waterford is fresh for 82

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Married in 1966. They were both fresh looking in fairness. Clued in as well. Good to see.

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Jonny Sexton
A lady with a debilitating skin condition
Panti Bliss and his dancing partner
Two aspiring motor racing drivers
Some old people