Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Terry is a wanker @the_man_himself

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Marty is a top top showman


The bang of desperation to be in the spotlight is excruciating

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They should just have him sing for rest of show.


Marty saving the show singlehandedly here


He talks like a lad I work with from Donegal.

Sound skin id say.

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He should sing while he’s talking like Cork people, to hide that rotten fucking accent.

Hes having fun himself. Hes a born performer

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An ad for supermacs during the late late. Signing out

People often say the Late Late is unique and you would never get such a show in other countries
They are dead right, no other country would put up with public money been wasted on such drivel

It has its moments.

Tubridy is just eminently unlikable and is a poor interviewer

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Have you ever seen Italian tv ?

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Is Mary O Rourke stuck for money?

Isn’t being a cunt who loves the sound of her own voice enough?

Who’s the heifer?


Jesus Pat :eek:


She didnt like that

Will resist urge to say Pat Spillane

Watching it in background, not sure who the 3rd person is

Bring out joe brolly now

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Her mother