Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Vicky Phelan, Blindboy, Keith Earls, Emma Langford, SĂ©amus Hickey, John Moran.

Kiely won’t touch this shitshow during the “on season” anyways.


True. Except he is a Tipp bollox

Bound to be a politican.

O’Dea, Quinlivan or Noonan.

My bet is O’Dea. I am sure he has contacts in RTE.

It’ll be an absolute travesty if Tom Ryan isn’t on to supply a few witty anecdotes.

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A bus has been scheduled to ship in Josh and the Tops o the Town crew after a busy Gold Cup day.


Tom Ryan and Richie Bennis would be to great . Richie is flogging a book so he meets the criteria .

Would they be able to subtitle it live?

Who said it had to be live

The audience would be drunker than the valentines special

I wonder who the TFK representative will be on this auspicious occasion.

Mother Teresa on the late late tomorrow

The fuck is this shit?


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Huggy Bear on now.

A fella here who dries famous people’s hair.

He has a blowing job ???

I’d say Ryan is bursting to give him a BJ.

Tubridy isn’t a steamer, well he is a steamer but he isn’t a homosexual

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Slagging off schools rugby - seems an alright sort

Rosanna is a beautiful woman.