Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

More. Oh so many more

Christ, As Five for Fighting famously sang, And it’s not easy to be me.

Who is this chap who hasn’t brushed his hair?


Psyllium Husk

Billy Ray?

I wager Tubs is a latent homosexual. Can see him pulling a Schofield in the future.

That chap didn’t inspire any confidence

Come on without, come on within…


Suspect looking head of hair there on Mother Teresa

Deferred his salary. Fair play to him.

His shirt is criminal.

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He comes across well enough in fairness. Not the worst of them.

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Famous for the “Headers”!

Niall Quinn is some company man

Tubridy is like the fella from the IT crowd.
“The arsenal are always trying to walk it in”


Kind of unavoidable given his position

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Congrats @carryharry

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