Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Some cunt of a man.

I thought she spoke extremely well about her experience with fertility. Very articulate and relatable.


Yer man from the Beautiful South is definitely in Irish jig territory

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Cunt owes me a half ounce since 2001

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He’d fit right in hawking holy ashes in Cork city by the looks of him


He’s written some cracking songs

“Time takes it toal,but not on the eyes”


He’s a great back catalogue.

Jacqui does a great cover of Etta James “Loving Arms”

Hard time to be selling tickets to live gigs


Paul & Jacqui are the mutt’s nuts. Cracking stuff.

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I think I went to my last show for a while earlier this week.

Great stuff there… Seasoned performers

Jacqui is sound and thinks limerick is great. A great woman .

This elbow thing is fucking retarded looking

Played Tully’s in Kinvara maybe 2012? Maybe @KinvarasPassion could confirm?

These two are drugged up.

Who the fuck is this inarticulate mumbling scobe?

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This is embarrassing for all involved

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Ah here. Did that scobe just admit to being a welfare cheat live on tv?

Keoghan is fidgeting like a lunatic. Needs another snort to calm him down.

What an absolute cuntfest.