Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I find hard to follow what he’s saying, I think he did, but could not be sure

No harm to drop a mail to the lads in Revenue

Gay Byrne would not have let a clown like this In his studio

Keoghan is going to end up going completely off the rails.

This Barry Keoghan is an immature little twerp who is an appalling mumbling car crash of an interview guest. He was the same last time he was on the late late show and the same on the Tommy Tiernan show.

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Keoghan has carved out a very good career for himself in the movie business. Fair fucks to him. He is not you would have picked to succeed from Love Hate

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And the cunt just coughed into his hand after all the cuntacting with elbows at the start.

It was him or Connors, in fairness.


Yer man, the scobe, has the virus!

I’ve only caught 5 minutes of this but these two are completely and utterly off their heads. I’ve been in that situation many a time where straight-forward sentences are bizarrely hard to form, but I’d hate to be in it on national television.

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Useless cunts.

Listen to him with the dry cough on him!!

She needs a slap in the face.

Jesus Christ

:rofl: :joy:

Oh Lordy Lordy

Two throughly dislike-able people. Well three, counting Tubs.

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Being in any way successful is an massive no no on TFK. I like Keoghan. He is living the dream and fair fucks to him


Liam Cunningham must be on this three times a year.

I was about to jump in and defend Keoghan when I discovered he’s 27 and not 17.

Barry Keoghan came from a very unpromising background and made himself successful.

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Agreed. Awful interview tho.