Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

It served them well so it did

Does Vicky really need to be in the studio? Ambulance up and down and one of the most vulnerable out there when it comes to Covid


The missus thought that was a tremendous watch.


They are pinging them as we speak and the pulse darktrace module is pin pointing the ring leaders.

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Only members of the oireachtas get mileage for Zoom meetings.


He clocked a contestant and it was hushed up with money

Jesus heā€™s in full on spiteful cunt mode tonight. I hate the way he skirts round these things though. Say it out straight if youā€™re going to cast slurs on people you windy bastard.


Letā€™s bring someone who is riddled with tumours into a studio that an hour ago had at least 14 medical professionals in it, many of whom are exposed to the worst of Covid and were only vaccinated tonight


A lot of good it did them.

Is there an echo around here?

ā€œI donā€™t want to be mawkishā€

Davy has been heavily involved in every Clare Senior All-Ireland title since 1914. A gem.

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Listen balbec issued the party line on the Limerick Private Members Forum, Iā€™m just doing what Iā€™m told

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Once the cheque from JP comes to cover the extra storage space needed all is ok

Odd decision alright.

Not to be overly crude about it but her profile is probably helping her get on these trials and removes a lot of barriers to care in Ireland. Sheā€™s a tough cookie either way

Why no mention of Holohan here? Sweep sweep :broom:


Presume Tubs will cut her off if she criticizes Saint Tony over what he did to her and many others

Unpopular opinion but Iā€™ve never warmed to Vicky.

Iā€™d say her situation makes a lot of people uncomfortable and donā€™t want to hear this stuff in detailā€¦