League of Ireland 2021 - The Greatest Basket Case League In The World

What a game

I’m alright Jack.

Give this fool a few likes there lads!!

absolute scenes
Jack Byrne

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yeah right accross from me
WTF was Gannon at - came off the post and walked accross the keeper

Great game. Those two teams should be dropping very few points to the rest of the league

thats 2 belters Flores has hit in 5 days - screamer v cork the other night also
@the_man_himself - is he the fella from wigan?

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michael deviant leaving the ground now

He is from Wigan yeah. Jack Byrne actually mentioned there that they played together at Wigan

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Got off the mark tonight.


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Christ almighty, Turners Cross is in some state

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I’ve no doubt slagged him off in the past but John Caulfield seems to be an alright sort


A serious football man.

lads will Farrugia make it do ye think?

thought he was shit tonight

scales looked good

Surely Byrne will go in summer?

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Was awful tonight, effing drowned

Before that I reckon,PNE?

[quote=“cmontofuck, post:250, topic:29742”]

Got off the mark tonight.
