League of Ireland 2021 - The Greatest Basket Case League In The World

Seems to be no other alternative than to run with it as well.

Remaining fixtures

13/10/20 Cork City 19:45 Dundalk SSE Airtricity League
17/10/20 Cork City 17:00 Waterford SSE Airtricity League
25/10/20 Sligo 17:00 Cork City SSE Airtricity League
30/10/20 Cork City 19:45 Derry City SSE Airtricity League

Train to Cobh next season.


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Harps have to play the top 4 in their run in so hard to see where they pick up points either

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Heā€™s loaded but he seems frugal enough with Preston. Then again, a million quid would go a long long way in LOI. Especially in the first division :see_no_evil:

We go down for years, when city werenā€™t playing at home

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thereā€™s a vote in a few days,some dopes donā€™t want to sell my sons in FORAS and reckons itā€™s close

Iā€™d say itā€™s sale or bankruptcy at this stage?

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Selling for a euro

How much debt goes with it?

Hemming donated e300,000 earlier to pay taxes and to get first shout ref takeover, so not a whole lot I say

I canā€™t see why youā€™d turn it down. Being fan owned obviously hasnā€™t worked

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I wouldnā€™t say donated as much

Cork needed to pay a revenue bill to gain a license at the start of the season.

Cork approached Preston/Hemmings and agreed to cancel the sell on clauses for Alan Browne and Seanie Maguire if Hemmings gave them 500k.

Well without Foras weā€™d have gone,but definitely should be a business run outfit

Main thrust is heā€™s Cork mad,wants first shot at it and kept us afloat

Preston offered no quibbles

Dermot Desmond offered us the deal rovers got years ag but the clowns in the board turned it down

Well sure why wouldnā€™t he be

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Owns Trabolgan , a stables etc etc etc locally, so employing quite a few

give it a rest you fuckin idiot

Cark are a disgrace, clubs going bust every few years

Rovers have thrived since the fans took over
Bozos flying now too

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