Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce

The Church were largely to blame. Orchestrating, profiting and untouchable.


And they covered up priests raping children

It doesn’t get much worse than that.

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The legendary Kevin P to call it a day. At the end of the article is a beautiful reference to his cunning and skills in matters of drink driving when he was a p4actising solicitor……An alright sort.

There was a Mohill heavy segement on Shane Coleman last night @Massey @anon67715551 @farmerinthecity that Comedian one was on.

:grinning::grinning::grinning:,what were they shiting on about.

Twasn’t the worst now tbf. Talking about Mohill GAA and a few more bits

Did she mention that they won the 2020 Junior B championship last weekend with a couple of lads who played Senior inter county this year. Obviously they’re smart enough (they are) but the quest for even the most menial trophy isn’t beyond their clutching grasp.
We’ll see the whites of their eyes in the coming weeks as we’re in the same group at Senior.


How did they manage that

You couldn’t be up to them cunts

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Careful regrading I guess, as Massey says you couldn’t be up to them.

Those Geordie twerps Ant and Dec are on one of those ancestral excursions on RTE 1 now.
Ant’s ancestors are rooted in Drumkeeran and they dutifully visited. Ant unwittingly announced that the drinks were on him and happiness ensued.
A distant cousin of his Mary McPartlin gave a beautiful rendition of Slieve Gallen Brae and the pair of boys knew the story of it. It was an emotive occasion.
Dec asked Ant afterwards what the round of drink cost……€600 odd euro was the answer.
Thirsty fuckers in Drumkeeran…. :pint: :pint:


Touching reveal by the Dec one of it featuring at his father’s funeral.

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Unfortunately the lovely Mary passed away about 18 months ago aged about 65. The big C.
She had a beautiful self-composed song about death and loss through illness that’s adaptable for many scenarios. I’ll find it somehow and post it here tomorrow, it’s and oul’ haunting ballad the words of which I adjust for condolences and pass them off as my own.


That’s sad to hear - she looked so vital in that section of the programme. I’ll look at that when you get a chance to post. Thanks.

Here’s the late and wonderful Mary from years ago.
The song of her’s I was looking for is Wild Mountainside written by Eddie Reader. The lyrics are adaptable for morbid occasions. Anyway - enjoy. You’ll find some of her stuff on YouTube.


Thanks for that Boxty - very poignant given her own early passing.

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Good man. She was a great singer the light of Heaven to her. For the life of me and to my shame I was never in Wynne’s when in Drumkeeran, ‘twas always Davitt’s.

We used to always go to The Cosy.But they “done it up” during the boom and it lost its charm.If I’m meeting anyone now it’s Wynnes we go to

There’s a wee movie starting on Virgin 1 + at midnight called Jimmy’s Hall. It’s the story of the life and struggles of the only Irishman deported from his own country - Jimmy Gralton. He had many adversaries including the Parish Priest……it’s factual if nothing else. Here’s a snippet of what he faced…