Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce

We played music in it off and on down the years. Decent people.

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na can’t find any evidence of any other chap deported from his own country minus the thousands who went as slaves to the indies or those who filled oz etc

“As far as you know” a (thus far un-named) communist from Limerick isn’t strong enough to contradict me on this one.
Facts and accuracy are critical on this forum, suppositions, personal opinions, dúirt bean liom and my brother heard it at the dogs stuff just ain’t gonna cut it. *

  • This statement may not in itself be totally kosher.
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I’ll try and root it out mein herren- Another afaik coming at ya-Rearden or O Riordain was his name AFAIK

Was something to do with this chap that rang a bell ref getting exiled from his own country

No mention of deportation in what was an fine, educational piece. The involvement with Luke Kelly introducing him to the crowd was worth the read alone. An interesting article.

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Na Boxty he wasn’t deported
(Im pare rau)

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Picked these up whilst trawling national archive

Does anyone know what the exact name of this is? It’s black oak, about 100 yes old.

A sideboard or what?

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The wonderful Edwina Guckian was regaling that half-wit Ray Darcy about the cultural uses of straw there earlier. Edwina has in excess of 100 suppliers of straw countywide as she’s embarking on a project making hats for strawboys and mummers.
She’s also replicating the old-style súgán chair and it was painful listening to Darcy trying to sound intelligent/ enthusiastic. He’s a woeful spoofer. Edwina was her customary self - high energy with machine-gun lines of patter. She’s a breath of fresh air that girl. No dancing today though……


I hear she doesn’t take a drink at all.

You could get a job as a speechwriter for a Minister. “I hear”……

I hear a certain forumite was a Lotto winner recently.

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More of a bureau than a sideboard.


They say you were better born lucky than clever.

How much did you win?

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:scream: I’m heading up there in an hour.Is it safe @anon67715551

Always safe in Manor oul’ stock, they’d give you fuck all. Be grand.