Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce

An excellent diktat. Proper order too. A pity the innovation doesn’t gain national traction.

McHughs in Glenfarne have 1 tv for The Sunday Game and the 9 o clock news that’s the only 2 programmes ever show and promptly switched off right after.


There’s surely an exemption for the night of a General Election count.


In keeping with the dart theme tonight our possibly oldest male parishioner checked out this evening. Treble 20, single 16, double 10.
Sky News wouldn’t hold a candle to him when it came to monitoring the misadventures of the patrons of the Abbey Bar. He was an advance version of Hawkeye….RIP Weedie all the same, you never dobbed me.


Would ye ever get onto yer local TDs and get a bridge over the Shannon FFS.

No Bridge

It’s some spot when we get the weather.

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I happened, amongst others, to be in the company of the wonderful songstress Eleanor Shanley for a few pints in the afternoon. As the venue (Gerties/Foley’s- Keshcarrigan) leans towards conviviality there were no holds barred when it came to music.
As we had a sociable cúpla focail together she ruminated on possibly our 1st meeting - an occasion I was commissioned to transport her late father home, back now in the mists of time.
She opined (today) that I seemed to be a man of interminable patience as she mused that her late father was a man of trenchent views.
I jokingly commented that was how we rolled then, we were all neighbours really and he’d have done the same for me……

Thou’ll hoor would have left you high and dry and full well Eleanor knew it….


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I feel sorry for their situation, but neither parents have ever worked and they have 5 kids ffs.One for the Where’s my free house thread.


I’ve just received a video from a bar in Drumkeeran. Some serious questions need to be asked about the descent of Irish society back into the dark ages.

One for the portly Councillor to deal with.

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PM it to me there

An alert has gone out to publicans in the Ballinamore area to watch out for these notes being slipped across the counter tomorrow evening - particularly if Cavan take the points from Pairc Seán.


The old notes were far better

While he never distinguished himself on the GAA pitch the Willies have lost a legend with the passing of Seán Callaghan RIP. A stalwart of the drama group, mower and baler of thousands of acres his most notable contribution came as the Corraleehan/Aughawillan correspondent for the Observer.

He had a terrific way with words and sayings and while we often hoped the Lord would raze them to the ground, Sean’s weekly reports were solid gold. He created the rural entity the PUF (poor unfortunate farmer) among other nuggets, harassed local politicians and persecuted Council offices in pursuit of rural improvements.
It’s a testimony to him that there isn’t anyone who could, in their most malicious minds, have a cross word to say about him. Súaimhneas síorrí d’anam uasal


This is almost in your neck of the woods @Massey , between Manor and Kinlough. Glenade Lake…


Not far away at all.I went to school in Largy just up the road from that.Were you out for a walk?

The lovely Edwina in the news again. A tour de force for tourism in the County.