Leo Varadkar

Car crash stuff.

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I agree with people who say Varadkar is a snake with all his back talk to the media and I have no doubt that he has leaked some highly confidential and prejudiced info in the past but I really donā€™t see that here as some are suggesting.

I suppose this is the way itā€™s gone now with the social media.


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Sure Leoā€™s statement says it could have been done better. I donā€™t think this interview puts him in anymore trouble. Unless thereā€™s some other hidden detail to emerge it moves onto Dail tmrrw. Most likely scenario he survives but is ā€œdamagedā€.

Hard to gauge the extent of that damage - those who hate Leo/FG will hate him more but not sure if the mass middle are scandalised in the way they were over Golfgate for example. I got a bit of ā€œyeah what was the Leo thingā€ from people over the last couple lf days suggesting many have read headlines but not much detail. He could be lucky that the US election will suck up oxygen this week.

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He leaked a confidential contract that was not available to the public to his pal.

Itā€™s a resigning offence.

ok guys, lets wait until the Fingal Greenway is completed before we collapse the Government


Did anyone see the ā€œiā€ before ā€œeā€ except after ā€œcā€ mistake in Oā€™Tuathaillā€™s statement last night? Disgraceful. ā€œRecievingā€.

The FG heads being sent out to bat are following the same script and talking points. Usually the word ā€œshareā€ instead of ā€œleakā€. It could have been done differently etc etc.

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Weā€™re aware of how it was leaked.

But fitting this into a broader narrative.

There is zero suggestion of any gain from this. This all arises from the bizarre relationship with the NAGP, IMO and Department of Health. I donā€™t know why the NAGP werenā€™t given a negotiating role and just a ā€œconsultativeā€ role on these things & that this was insisted upon by the DoH. Itā€™s the strange inner workings of Union/Department relationships in this country.

More broadly, I donā€™t see how this fits into the Leo the snake who likes to talk about of both sides of his mouth. Varadkar throwing some Easter Egg quotes to the media before a cabinet meeting or using the Fine Gael Parliamentary meeting to get his ā€œrealā€ side out is an example of that. Varadkar deciding not to govern for 3 months and letting NPHET make the real decisions as he was scared of any blowback from the public with the occasional side brief is an example of that.

Just donā€™t see it here. On the face of it, this is what they say. An agreement that covers all GPs where one large lobby were not privy to the negotiations but would have an impact on it getting through. The IMO leadership spent their month communicating the core pieces to the members who listened to them, the ones disenfranchised from the IMO but impacted by this needed the same. The leak was not to scupper the deal, it was to get it through.

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Oh for Dobbo.

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I think that is it.

What is refreshing in all of this is that @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy now recognizes the State.

simple questions

  1. why not invite NAGP through the front door
  2. why not send it jordan at NAGP address
  3. why tell otoole to keep source to himself
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If you aware of how it was leaked, then thatā€™s that.

Itā€™s a resigning offence.

You donā€™t know that, we have seen some of the screenshots of the NPAG and they do seem to have ulterior motives, self-serving ones and Varadkar was acting unethically to fulfill favours for his friends.

He has to go, absolutely no doubt about it whatsoever. Itā€™s a massive issue and heā€™s not fit for public office.

We dont need this going on and on. The State has important business to attend to. Leo needs to accept his punishment, stand down and let the State get on with the matters of the State.

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Any word from Kneel Richmond yet?

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Fionnan Sheehan taking the piss out of Simon Harris on Claire Byrne. :slight_smile:

Youā€™d imagine Vincent wasnā€™t surprised by that surely. I hope not anyway.

Iā€™d stay still traumatised by the rugby guys losing in Paris


The mainstream media!

Surely not.