Less negative things about the lockdown

He’s not my employee, but no, he doesn’t.

there’s your answer @balbec all for socialism as long as it doesn’t affect his bottom line


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We could all learn from his delegation skills and his ability to squeeze the life out of his staff.

Champagne socialists should be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

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I think that kinda proves @balbec point

Good old fashioned British can do attitude.

A few shops preparing to open up alongside Dunnes as we do the weekly shop runs (a pain in the ass doing this for three houses).

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Any sign of any Pilsner on your travels

Now at Tesco to get crested (10) on offer.
Will report back

There was a lady with a lovely bottom just ahead of me in the queue to get into SuperValu.


What vintage was she?

Older than she looked from behind. 40 ish.

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Only one flight today. Caught up on my anti-terrorism training.


I run before most of ye lazy bastards are out of the scratcher.
As regards the rest, I have to work in Rochdale 2 days a week til September 2021, so it’s all a balance.

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No crested in Tesco. No more urquell in fine wines.

Is Rochdale grim?

It’s up North, ergo it’s grim
