Less negative things about the lockdown

One of her favourite things to take out of the presses is a roll of tinfoil, I shit you not. She’s here playing with a box of toothpaste now :joy:


You can take the child out of Tipp etc

Another wedding gone :ronnyroar:


Myself and the smallie have a nice little routine in the morning, head the longish way to the local shop for the messages/papers. I had to coax her this morning, she’s here happy out on the couch aten a package of Snax :smiley::smiley:


Message( must go to town for the messages- pure Cork boy)

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That’s a good little spin and something that couldn’t be done under normal circumstances.


Rascal loves his daily jaunt to the local forest. We have the place to ourselves most times but he greets anyone we meet like Santa and gives them a big wave.


Went for a lovely walk up to Howth and back along the beach with the dogs there. It’s a beautiful day out there. Make sure to get out there and enjoy it chaps.


I took the little fella for a stroll. We(he) climbed a load of trees and found half a rabbit. It was brilliant. Oh and there was a giant teddy bear driving a car.(car was stationary in a driveway).

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There was people swimming on the beach in Howth.


Jesus but it’s a smashing day around the peninsula.

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Stunning day in south Dublin Bay North too.

My imaginary ones are missing their imaginary friends. It’s really hitting now. Apart from that, alls grand. But kids want to be around their friends and that’s appearing to be the toughest.

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Put them into the (imaginary) cellar if they keep whinging.

I built an (imaginary) obstacle course and I try catch them. It’s good practice.

Winner gets to put the lotion on?

Beautiful scene, especially with the bluebells. Is that Donadea?

Ive lost 4kg, running, walking. Biggest weight loss ive ever had.


You’re an inspiration to some of the bullocks waddling around this place.