Less negative things about the lockdown

Just got into a routine mate. Been off drink helps i suppose.

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Not Donadea. I’ll not divulge as it’s a hidden gem and I don’t want to be giving too much away on the internet. I can pm you location.

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Funderland has arrived at my gaff,


Is your house a kip?

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Wtf does this mean, can someone please translate

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I’d say they’ll be no carnival in Drom this year :sob:

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No, it’s a lovely house, I’ve never seen one I preferred
But with 4 small kids and 2 dogs it’s got a real lived in look, just the way we like it,
The puppy has that whiteboard chewed to Billy-o

Having Funderland out the back doesn’t help either


I’m saving a fortune.

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Don’t mind that cunt.

all the crap you don’t really need, I was spending around 300 quid a month on shite, gym memberships, cinema membership, stupid magazines, it all adds up

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You are embracing clarity of thought again without the distractions of media driven LIFE CHOICES.

You are now cleansed and will live a better life without doubt.

Can I have as go on the tramploline?

You mean jumpland? It’s pretty good but the house of horrors is the pick, though the queue would turn you off, one at a time

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My pup has every bit of wood in the house that hasn’t been treated with habanero Tabasco chewed to fuck.

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Never stop a smallies imagination, I used endure the windy house after work while my eldest ( 6/7 at the time used to feed me her latest concoction)
Great memories, and enjoy yeres :+1::+1:

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Women literally getting dolled up to go for a stroll in the park. Some fantastic stuff in the Phoenix Park these past few days.

He is referring to the fall of civilisation as we know it, most likely due to the economic destruction associated with the spurious lockdown. @iron_mike is on the ball.

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