Less negative things about the lockdown

Aside from a few lads who self isolated 2 months ago, I’ve not had a single sick day amongst my staff in 6 weeks. That’s 6 weeks where 16 people have not required one day off for illness. Only took a global pandemic to sort it.

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They’re not getting hazard pay per chance?

Nope. Just coming to a quiet airport instead of a hectic one

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We had one lad asking could he cancel his annual leave.
We said no.

That’s going to become a recurring topic.

Couldn’t believe it. He/she hadn’t even booked to go away.

Sure he had to ask. Sitting at home with fuck all to do is an awful waste of annual leave

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Lads getting all heroic asking to cancel annual leave. Give it a month after we’re back full throttle and they’ll be screaming for a few days

The problem is that people will have huge untaken balances and massive accruals for them at year end and when businesses start to recover in the next six months it will be hard to give people time off. But HQ will want to see the balances reduced.

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Could he not train for a virtual 10k?

Theyve stretched our leave for this year out as far as 2022. Lads wont need to take two weeks at a time but two or three days coupled with a weekend will keep one going. My general rule of thumb has always been to take a week about once a quarter with two weeks in Summer


Cap doffers turning on the establishment.

They weren’t booked to go anywhere. Wanted to sit at work instead.

This was nothing to do with heroism, more that they weren’t redeployed, so realised they could sit at work doing fcuk all, and take holidays later when it gets busy again

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Naturally. Sure why would you want to waste your holiday days when there’s fuck all going on at work? I don’t see what’s outrageous about that? Fair enough to refuse. But it’s a perfectly logical thing to request


We aren’t a major multinational mate.

You’re a Tory from 9 to 5.

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I’m fully behind Sir Keir, my bessier mate. You know this. 🤷

I don’t know how @flattythehurdler does it. Seems to spend his life running and cycling in the Peaks, talking to oddballs, commissioning pieces of art, drinking coffee and motorcycling and still he has amassed more property than any of us. He must be flogging the staff from morning to night.


Does your employee know you are buying moorings in Galway while denying him the chance to use his holidays when he might be able to actually do something?