Lessons for life from self appointed self help gurus

They award points for every correctly directed bullet.

  • Propaganda to get you to join the seals by making it seem like it’s the pinnacle of human achievement

Anyone hear of a guy called Wim Hoff. Seems to be all the rage lately

is he the fella that runs naked in the snow?

Yes. I posted about going to one of the sessions here in december. I got a few lads nice posts with some gay swimming comments.

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Yep. He climbs mountains in bare feet and stays underwater for 3 mins. There’s now two clinics in Ireland using what’s called the wim hoff method.

Here you go lads

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Lamaze for hipsters. Fuck that

Teaching lads how to breathe. Hipsters must have a deadly fear of suffocating. The man is an absolute genius

I posted about this before. Its grand. Basically breathing meditation then a jump i the sea. Who could argue thats not good for you.* I wouldnt take it too seriously though.

*plenty of rural types who like to fuck effluent in the nearest river but claim the irish sea is toxic.


His basic premise is that doing stuff in the cold and breathing will make you healthier. Bollocks.

My argument against this would be eskimos. They live in ice, breath, and ate a hape of fish oil which is supposed to be a superfood and they’ve a shit life expectancy

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I meant no offence.
If anything i’m pro breathing.






Atomic Habits is a game changer

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He’s very 2018 but still worth a read up to Q3 of 2019

How’re they getting ten wishes off of one dandelion?

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