Lessons for life from self appointed self help gurus

Imagine paying money to see ā€œSirā€ Alan Sugar.


This is what that McNulty eejit really thinks

Is that the annual Mystic Gizzy article again?

Lads, the longest journey starts with a single step.

That was a Brolly line from years agoā€¦so I suppose he made do with a man who could plagiarise a man who could apprehend the inapprehehensibleā€¦?

FAO of @Tassotti wherever you are.


Michael Harding is an absolute legend.


Will watch this. Saw this guy on the late late show one timeā€¦had never heard do him before thatā€¦ Thought he made so much senseā€¦

Iā€™m reading a book of his at the minute.

Heā€™s class - and a funny bastard to boot.

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My brother just rang me there saying to put the telly on quick. I was in the bed, so I said I wouldnā€™t, but why?
He said thereā€™s a programme on the telly about getting bad tattoos removed. He said thereā€™s a wan on who has
ā€œCum Tunnelā€ tattooed across her buttocks. :eyes:

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Better than wind tunnel I suppose.

Sludge funnel

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Thatā€™s actually sound advice

Tis more Cark youā€™re getting by the day

And you havenā€™t changed so much as a pair of socks in years