Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Christy isn’t the worst. Did a good bit of work with Nickie Quaid a couple of years ago.

His brother, however…

when are the all stars going to be named? assuming we have 2020 all stars!?

They already have been named

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It’d be a shame to miss the annual photoshoots of roasters in tuxedos with heavily made-up dolly birds on their arm

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Actually maybe they weren’t

I didnt hear them announced anyway. every tom dick harry that has a podcast picked their team of the year alright


Is she the same Ashling Thompson? The mad one. He’s a brave bucko.

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She came to Limerick for a winner

The Doon club utterly dismantled Carkness, first with Pat Ryan humiliating Nash, then DOD claims their prized camogie asset for his kingdom.


Great club and part of the world, they achieved this after the football team in the parish did the only thing fit for a Tipp jersey.

Doon is an absolute shit hole and Oola is worse

Mate, is there something up??


The Limerick eugenics program is in full flow.

We had a false start when David Breen and Una Healy were paired up in an attempt to make the Worlds most ridiculously good looking Hurler, but we are back on track again now.


I think the Limerick Eugenics program has been cancelled at the behest of the Limerick camogie manager according to insinuations on here

That was more of a scatter gun approach.


Nice boost for Newtownshandrum going forward.

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He badly needs a couple of fags.