Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

What’s that link to? Not allowing me open it

Twas a Sean Finn montage, magnificent.

Throw it up there again buddy if you don’t mind

The link seems to have broke the forum, hardly surprising and it wont let me reupload unfortunately.

No bother. Up Sean Finn. Up Limerick. Fuck Tipp


God helpus

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Did his auld wan compile that for him?

He’s big into musicals and the likes… Used to perform in them. But I suppose it is refreshing to see he is his own man and it wasn’t a list of wappers and hippy hop gangstas


It appears he doesn’t give a fuck what anybody else thinks, which will tip lads over the edge

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Nothing wrong with an auld musical, I’m a big fan. No Defying Gravity is a shocker of a miss.

They did some job when they appointed you all the same. You’re unrale at it :clap:

he got his musical tastes off baldy anyway I’d say


I am after learning that Johnny Logan sang Lannigan’s Ball .

“World at our feet”. How very appropriate.

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I’m Cian Lynch mate

You’re much more important than that. His greatest step.

Limerick can win 5 in a row and they will still be known as the team that play westlife in the dressing room.

by sad cunts