Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Ref fair fucking Wicklow bringing frees forward.

Limerick really strong carrying from the back today. Offaly were much more compact last week and killed us with turnovers on those runs

They should keep their mouths shut

Lippy Wickla fuckers aren’t getting the message

Wicklow Keeper has some boot of the ball. They aren’t winning any of them though

Hugh fair bought that. Big chance.

3 up. 12 to go


Great goal


Give to fucking NEVILLLLLLE

Neville > CON

Lads he’s skinned that poor corner back on the inside about 5 times

The goalie made some balls of the kick out leading up to it

It taken them 2 1/2 games but they finally figure it out

If I was in the stadium to shout it at Billy Lee we’d be unbeaten

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Save Donal!

Don’t fucking sit back now

Danny fucking Neville!!!

Champagne football