Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Throw-in in the football coming up shortly.

Liam Aherne on comms. Joe McQuillan reffing.

Goal Robbie Bourke inside 3 minutes!!! Great move.

The type of goal Dublin stick away when 15 points up against demoralised Leinster opponents

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Danny almost did it again there, skinned his marker, but just over the bar.

1-2 from Robbie Bourke already.

Hon Drom

Playing some brilliant football so far, slicing through them at will.

Sorry guys got a domestic GAAgo €25 euro account. Should I be able to access this game

Tis only Waterford

Think so, yeah.

Fuckin thing asks me if I want to buy the game

You have this pass?

And you are logged in properly?

1-6 to 0-4 at the water break.

Pretty open game, Limerick probably should be further ahead, hit a couple of wides. Waterford wing-back has hit three from play.

Looking good so far, pretty much walking through the Waterford defence. 1-2 from Robbie Bourke and 0-1 for Neville, Fahy, Sheehan & Tommie Childs. Moving the ball very quickly. Kickouts are being taken very very quickly, and getting up the pitch at pace.

Tommy Prendergast in a bit of bother for Waterford it looks like.

Cian Sheehan blazes over with the goal at his mercy.

Another goal chance for Danny, just over the bar.

Looked like a penalty not given to Corbett; had men over and he was taken out.

Yeah. I’ll keep fucking around with it

Goal! Hughie Bourke finishes it brilliantly. Danny Neville in along the endline again, cuts it across on the ground; Hughie flickted it up, swivelled & buried it. Just before half-time.

2-9 to 0-7 at half-time. Could be more, missed a few goal chances.

While we are opening them up, Waterford’s scores are probably coming too easy when they get forward themselves.