Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Yeah, all things considered, to only be 7 points down… it could be a lot worse. Galway have been way better but these lads are way better than they’ve shown. I think they need to push right up though, get support to our full-forward line and give them some nicer ball. You have to be so precise if you pull your men so deep.

Maybe get Dennehy & Dylan Lynch on. Josh Keating is a huge loss.

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Some of the Galway backs are terrifying looking. Animals.

Limerick with one (1) (wan) point from play.

Limerick have parked the bus.

Ah shite

English looks a brilliant player. He’s vicious quick.

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Game on Gearòid

Limerick have woken up.

Wide, I thought

It was. And his helmet was open

Minor is nuts.

He’s unreal tbf. Has it all for a young lad.

Pj has made the call.

Aboy O’Donavan, great score.

Pat Ryan junior.

English fucking hell

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Adam English :clap:

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Both sides have had their dominant spell. Game of ball from here on in.

That Galway number 10 is a super player

GY getting a lot of joy from long puck outs