Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Does he work as hard as Flanagan?

Not yet.

(Also if heā€™s Gillane mark 2, itā€™d surely be Gillaneā€™s place heā€™d be pushing forā€¦ Flanagan does perform a slightly different role).

@Aristotle Ahane were ordinary enough last night after half time. Ye must have been pretty bad.

I expected a bit more from him in the U20 this year. Early days of course.

Apologies if itā€™s been covered before but is there a game streaming this eve?

Ye were only 2 points down at HT, we were 10 down.

And yeah, we were poor enough. But I suspect Ahane have their county final won, the rest is ā€œgive it a lashā€ and, fair enough, they did that for half an hour last night.

The battle of the big guns in Claughaun: Kildimo/Pallaskenry vs Na Piarsaigh.


Brilliant :ok_hand:

Iā€™ve found over the years that Thursday games generally seem to have a different (flatter) dynamic.

Lads have a days work done, rushing straight to the match etc. Can often lead to games petering out.


Yeah, shit day for a match really. Even a Friday you encounter some of those problems but at least fellas can sometimes head off early on a Friday.

But clubs do request Thursday matches at times for various reasons.

was Diarmuid kelly playing?

No, I believe he is unavailable this year.

In fairness to Ahane they were very competitive for about 50 minutes. Result felt kind of inevitable alright but the red card helped Kilmallock but a bit of gloss on it.

A nice few wides for both sides as well. The Kilmallock goal was a bit of a sucker punch.

Lovely goal also.

GOM could appear anywhere on the field.

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An unbelievable pass by Chan, and a serious finish by Gavin tbf, low & hard.


Chanley has it all, except the physique. Those wrists :heart_eyes:

A fine bad goal though, did the back get a touch on it unsighting the keeper or what?

Actually on a rewatch looks like he just completely missed it

Was it a couple of years ago when he was playing the Well (I think, maybe Doon); he was getting a lot of abuse and fellas calling him fat, etc. while he was on the ball.

Anyway, he gets the ball, swivels to make a bit of space, throws it over the bar from a ridiculous angle and looks over at the fella roaring at him ā€œthereā€™s no fat on my wristsā€ :laughing:


An awful shame

Is there nothing can be done?

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