Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Parkinson is a wanker.


Good point. Answer: yes, mostly, in principle.

His own would burn Woolhead. Enough said.

Regardless of anyone’s personal opinion on him, he actually asks some difficult questions.

Kiely is able to run rings around the rest of the media by changing the narrative after every incident, of which there has been many.

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Plenty of incidents both ways in every game.

You just want it one way.

I don’t.

Limerick could have finished the Waterford game with 12 players. Afterwards, Kiely starts talking about the media softening them up. Brilliant deflection tactics but the simpletons on RTE or OTB don’t have a clue.

I think ‘Kicking Woolhead up and down Main Street, Portlaoise’ should be a Civics class for all secondary school students in the county. Would improve their moral fibre.

What difficult questions has Woolhead ever asked about a player changing club because he got money to do so? Etc. He is an utter fraud. A pathetic attention-seeking gobshite, spoiled – in every sense – by his parents.

I repeat: his own would burn him. I know a lot more about him and his antics than could be typed here. He is a poisonous individual and it was amusing to hear his quaver when John Kiely implied he would take him on. Woolhead can never really ask a hard question – because a far harder question, as he well knows, is always there as a retort.


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He hates hurling too.

some selection to have to choose from to fill the gap

Yes. You are spot on. Why? Because he never hurled. A complete pot plant narcissist.

As the Buddhists hold: character is destiny.

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He started talking about that because the performance from his players was poor.

Mike Casey was excellent when he came on at half time the other night. He has the jersey for now anyway. Realiatically he was unlucky not to be starting when we had everyone fit.

Sincerely hope Finn makes a good recovery, awful luck. Cunt of an injury.

I am sure we have all done things in our past we are not proud of. There are plenty of other journalists who are probably cunts but also terrible at their job.

I actually don’t see how his questioning of Kiely is not fair and reasonable.

The fact he didn’t hurl is hardly noteworthy, Damien Lawlor couldn’t make the Kilruane 3rd team and look at him now.

Casey was in front of us for the second half and he did well as a defender.
His play for limerick puckouts is another matter.


Huge loss for Limerick but they survived without one Lynch last season and they’ll survive without Finn this season.

Our puckout strategy is under serious pressure at the moment across the board. Clares half backline cleaned us out more often than not. Not only that, its the energy to win the breaking ball that really cost us against Clare. The energy wasn’t there in the legs. I’m confident the three week break now will help in that regard. Lads should be back refreshed and ready to go again.

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The big thing with Limerick is they are not freeing up Byrnes or Nash. Morrissey is a limited striker and Casey is only average on the ball compared to Nash.

Quaid may need to start hitting Hannon or DOD to add variety and get BD/BN on the ball.

We agree on most things. So, no matter. Which or whether, you are a proper GAA person. But we will have to leave it there on Woolhead.

I think I was the first person to point out that Limerick, against Waterford, should have finished with 12 players.So I have no problem with your observations on Limerick’s (concealed) luck. You are spot on.

But Woolhead’s schtick, basically, is a pan anti authority one. Count him a bonsai Russell Brand. I detest Russell Brand and I detest, in slightly lower key, Woolhead.


Woolie/Woolhead has said something to you previously. Out with it. There is a deep seethe there.

For team built on puckout strategy we’ve been struggling badly on them, our own and the opposition’s.

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