Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Which Nap player missed the Easy pickup that led to the free

Not sure the switch of Downes or Dowling has improved the team this year

Doon fighting on their backs

Peter Casey doing the little things that’ll make the difference…

Dumb from Mike Casey


Well done Johnny Murphy

Johnny always delivers. He was right in fairness

Where did Murphy pull that free out of?

Casey would have been as well off put the ball into the corner than wide there

Ref is riding doon

He found 20 seconds there out of nowhere

Doon deserved to win that, we were passive and sluggish and weren’t up for the battle, felt like we could walk in goals. We’ll need up it big time for ET

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Murphy should have given a leveller a minute previous when Barry Murphy was tripped.

He’s a confident guy

Mad stuff from Mike Casey

I thought he would give that one but would have been harsh, looked like a slip rather than a foul

Dowling wasnt happy when the last free was given.

It was picked up on the mic nicely.

Fuck him


There was a great FOR FUCK SAKE from the crowd when the corner back dropped that free into no one on the 13 with a few minutes to go


Some game