Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Who is the VC ?

Itā€™s a strange predicament to be in with the Junior hurling final. For anybody who hasnā€™t seen the coverage of the game, Mungret attempted to make a last minute substitution. It appears that they were too late as the ref blew the full time whistle before the player could get on the field. The player proceeds to put on his helmet and is then chosen to be one of five penalty takers. He is on the pitch for the duration of the penalty shots. But, as Mungret won 4-1 on penalties. This player was to be the fifth penalty taker and never actually took a penalty.
Should be interesting to see how this is handled by county board. Stranger things have happened

There isnā€™t a hope in hell they get the result over turned.

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I was talking to a F/K man about it yesterday and he was of the view to just leave it and focus on the football. There was no sour grapes, he was more disappointed they didnā€™t win it in normal and extra time than anything.

Nor should they nor should they want to.

Have a bit of fucking class.


Some pills are hard to swallow

Re-checked the programme

No 3
No 7
No 15

Crecora fully aware there illegal and have been told on several occasions there wide open to objections and to regulate themselves

The VC ran the CCCC. I assume the post still does after the change of personnel for 2023


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F/K have no case if the player who came on didnā€™t take a penalty.

The same individual facilitated a change of referee for one of the hurling finals last week, after one mentor of a certain club specifically objected to a referee being appointed to their game.

That hasnā€™t gone down well with the club of the original ref or the refereeing fraternity generallyā€¦

Are the rest of the board gone on holidays?

Would guess a few of the heavy hitters are gone alright. The players left in drips and drabs from Dublin and Shannon over the last week.

Story going around that a high profile CB official told the ref in the premier intermediate final to not make it a draw under any circumstancesā€¦! :smile:

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Mike Riordan & Seamus McNamara are gone with the hurlers, Wayne Fitz is in the US while all of this was going on. Also the vice chairman tried to get a referee to over turn a straight red to two yellows for a Drom player recently in a junior hurling gameā€¦ā€¦

Sounds like we might need a return of the ā€œBack Page Manā€


Can you give the names?

Tell him nothing


Was that heā€™s son in law aswell? Or different player