Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Ya the three weaker clubs are all poor relations to the soccer. Pats were always more dangerous early in the summer before the soccer started.

Castletroy view lads are even a bit odd and theyā€™re only looking in on the posh cunts

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Even christians, youve hyde, summerville, prospect, weston, boro and carew park. Thats mental when you think about it and theyā€™re practically living on top of young munsters and crescent

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Do the rugby clubs draw from their catchment areas or how does it work? I know itā€™s a familial thing as well as a geographic one. Munsters and the Crescent are on top of each other. Hardly pulling the same lads?

Do they transfer between each other a lot like the soccer?

I know as young lads we all played with young munsters from prospect and weston. I donā€™t know where crescent picks from. We had some team of delinquents from 10s to 16s. Iā€™d say once you get to adult rugby lads might move

Hurling isnā€™t really a thing in Limerick City at all is it?

More than any city in Tipp anyway

Lucky for ye. Yeā€™d never win one again

Where do Crescent pick from @Heyyoubehindthebushes its mostly country lads from talking to Gerry but that was back in his day

Theyā€™ll have to revive Milford.

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Even for the website. Great resource before for club championship results.


Badly missed. Simplest website ever. Is there anyone keeping track of results now?

Not as far I know unfortunately. The job that fella was doing in fairness in comparison to the Limerick gaa website is night and day.

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Only have the little ones playing there but chatting to parents thereā€™s a massive mix from Croagh to Caherconlish to Killaloe. Some are there because itā€™s their familyā€™s club, others simply due to itā€™s location. They have a fantastic setup and if numbers of kids are any indication, could very strong. Thereā€™s 50 odd in the the 2014 born group aloneā€¦ bonkers when you think about it.

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No joking here, does the Limerick GAA website not keep a track of Club results?

It does, but not histroric ones.

You could/can go onto the milford website and see the results for every game for the 15 odd years he kept the show on the road.

I donā€™t know where youā€™d get that info now since he stopped doing it

It should still be in the background there somewhere linkable in the County Board website Iā€™d imagine. I know Laois GAA kept an archive linkable on the old iteration of the site. Be shocking to lose that sort of thing.

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Many pub argument about matches of old was settled by pulling up ā€œMilfordā€


A bit of web scraping in selenium or the like and this clutching of pearls around historic results is put to bed.

Off you go so. No rush with it but you might have it done before knocking off for the christmas. Thanks.