Limerick GAA 2023 - League champions means nothing now šŸ

Yes, we are going to accumulate the tears of all the other 11 teams in the Liam McCarthy for '22.

Youā€™ll be first !


Dont take that from him @locke

What kind of immortality are we talking about here?

  • 4 in a row? Done already, twice
  • 5 in six years? Done already, twice
  • 8 in ten years? Bit to go yet
  • 11 in 15 years? Fair bit to go yet

How come u left out 5 in a row?

Come back to us all when you do a 4 in a row. Actually, come back to us if you get out of Munster this season.

The threat of the 5 in a row has ye rattled already :grinning:

If Limerick get out of Munster, Iā€™ll come on here and grovel
If Limerick win the 4 in a row, Iā€™ll retire my username
If Limerick win the 5 in a row, Iā€™ll retire off TFK.

Bookmark this post please @limericks


Limerick will walk it this year why do you think Cody fucked off? There is nothing there right now to beat them. All about next year.

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And they are very, very unlucky that hasnā€™t been done already

Id hope we donā€™t need any phantom pens to win it if the opportunity did arrive, would only dilute it.

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You must have witnessed some session in Nowlan Park this week.

@Locke throwing traditional Kilkenny values like stoicism and modesty out the window here

Thereā€™s an emergency conclave after being called @locke. Theyā€™ll be with you shortly.

I think we have a chance at 4 in a row but itā€™s gonna be tough. Galway and KK will be much better this year. Clare had a lot of injuries to players last year but he looks to have developed a bit of squad depth as a result. The gap has closed significantly and any of these 3 could beat Limerick on their day.

Sure lookit, Iā€™spose that went when Cody.

Kilkenny, Cork, Tipp and Waterford are all on year one with new management. Youā€™d expect them to be a bit behind as the new ideas are implemented etc.

Clare and Galway are further ahead and we didnā€™t beat Clare in 70 minutes last year.

CIan Lynch and Peter Casey were massive losses all the same. Youā€™d think if Lynch and Casey are back and Hayes gets redeployed to wing back again weā€™ll be a better side. Itā€™s just if Clare or Galway can improve the bit extra again to challenge.

Are the Limerickā€™s still seriously counting All Irelandā€™s won in 2020 and 2021? :grimacing:


We know it would be hard for you to count multiple all irelands in a row.


You decided to throw 21 in now did you :joy:

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A terrible waste of all those fingers