Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

It isn’t true

NCW a hard team to beat by ten points. I’d imagine they’ll set their stall out to frustrate Nemo

Is this the Halloween party black face incident you are referring to? To be fair how can you be Serena Williams if you aren’t blacked up?

What isn’t true?

The official word is to give them ‘as good a rattle as we can’

I’ll put an omertà on you in a minute.

I’d go Quaid, Finn, McCarthy, Condon, Byrnes, Hannon, Gavin O Mahony, O Grady , Paul Browne, Hickey, Hayes, Lynch, Mulcahy, Dowling and Gillane. Truth be told we’ve had very few players have 2 or 3 very good seasons particularly in the forwards. Hickey was probably one of the longest serving players of the decade so I fitted him in the half forward line. Realistically it was due to lack of forward options. Likewise with lynch at half forward.

A load of those haven’t played senior

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Oh sorry I misread that I thought it was just limerick team of the decade.

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Club players of the decade.

That’s one for the pub and a pen and paper

Sure the likes of Pwell, nap and killmallock spilt the ten championships between them so you wouldn’t stay far from them.

And a packet of bacon fries?

Jawohl Herr Kommandant!

No. Package of taytos. Bacon Fries are heart attacks in a package

Brian Murray;
Stevie O’Reilly, Mike Casey, Stephen Lavin,
Wayne Mac, Diarmuid Byrnes, Dinny Maloney;
Cian Lynch, Alan Dempsey;
Seanie Tobin, Shane Dowling, Jake Mulcahy;
Graeme Mulcahy, Kevin Downes, Peter Casey

Alternative team:
Barry Hennessy;
Seanie O’Brien, Richie English, Cathal King;
Liam Walsh, Declan Hannon, Richie Kenny;
Paudie O’Brien, Gavin O’Mahony;
Alan O’Connor, Kevin O’Brien, David Breen;
Adrian Breen, Aaron Gillane, Willie Griffin

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The Clare lads love the whispers and the rumours. Peeping in over the wall to see what’s going on, desperate to be relevant.

Never change guys. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


If you were living in a mud hut scraping by you’d love a bit of gossip to brighten up your existence wouldn’t ye?

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I suppose you’re right.

Ah shure it’ll all come out in the wash if there’s anything to it. He’s probably not that kind of lad anyhow.

Well you lads will be there to hang it out for us if it does.

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