Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak


That bench :heart_eyes:

Bate by 10.

Nickie only has to hit the ball in the air for that half forward line

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RIP Seamus Flanagan

I donā€™t like it.

Mikey Oā€™Brien must be going well in training.

Great to see Kyler back starting.

Hon the Dow.

Again, good chances for POL, Boylan & Murphy.

Good to see young WOM on the bench too.

Conor Hanley scored 0-7 for Kilmallock 21s tonight; beat Mungret 1-10 to 0-11.

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Heā€™s in with the Minors.

There is a bit more rotation this year. Iā€™m still a little unsure why they only brought on 3 subs against Wexford but thereā€™s been nice variation to the starting team so far, three games in.

Thereā€™s no point playing a completely new team, you learn nothing really but mixing & matching with 12 or so first-choice players and then a few new players. Players still know they might only get one real opportunity so have to take it.

Already weā€™ve seen starts for Condon, POL, Malachy, Boylan, Dempsey, Dowling, Downes, Casey and Murphy who wouldnā€™t have been starters last year.

Full-back line the one constant so far, although Casey already being missing means they mightnā€™t want to mess around with the balance too much.

There actually isnā€™t much defensive cover on the bench. Not starting Hannon means they obviously still dont think heā€™s 100% right.

Costello, Oā€™Meara, Oā€™Brien and Hannon. Thatā€™s 4 backs, plenty.

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Great chance for Brian Cody to test himself against a top manager tomorrow.


Iā€™d say Hannon is fine, if he wasnā€™t he wouldnā€™t be on the bench. He needs to test half back cover like O Loughlin in a big game and it gives him another chance to see Dan centre back if Hannon does get injured

Itā€™s a pity WOD is out as heā€™s the one fella that might break into that half back line.

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Can anyone stop Limerick this year lads?

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No, weā€™re going to sicken ye cunts again.

Jackie Tyrell says ye wonā€™t get out of Munster.

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