Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Cian Lynch, Graeme Mulcahy and Shane Dowling.

Confirmation today from a work colleague from neighbouring Athlacca, shocking how little some fellas know about their own area.

Youā€™ve little to be worrying you.


I wouldnā€™t like to see people misled here mate, some would assume that a fella living a few miles over the road would be able to pronounce the name of an area when heā€™s jumping in to a conversation for no apparent reason

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you arenā€™t accounting for the diversity of the accents in Limerick mate. All thatā€™s for sure is thereā€™s no one says me anus

Thereā€™s only one way to pronounce it mate, thatā€™s how the people from there do, if others read it and mispronounce it then thatā€™s no harm but itā€™s not correct.

Bollox, bollocks, bollix.


How would you pronounce Aghada?

Refer to my post above

You can be sure whatever the correct answer is heā€™ll have the right one.

Or rather his tormented work colleague will.

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Iā€™m living down here with an age and I still donā€™t know, so Iā€™d be amazed

Mate, I gave the correct pronunciation last night just as an aside to a humorous attempt at the possible one.
I have no idea why a couple of ye felt the need to contradict me when ye clearly hadnā€™t a clue, donā€™t upset yourself over it.

Can you answer the Aghada question?

A-Had-A paced similarly to Drogheda
The H isnā€™t strong

thatā€™s one of the local oneā€™s alright.

the other one is a faster paced aha-d-a with more emphasis on the d and the a. I think it is a difference between upper Aghada and Lower Aghada. Those in LA tend to be less protestant.

Well, not surprisingly, the needy Cork know it all is correct. Wow, thatā€™s a first on here anyway.

:rollseyes: Itā€™s Ma-nus. Anyone pronouncing it Meeyeah-nus is a candidate for speech and language lessons.


Meeyeah-nus Boyle, former Donegal footballer.


Chill out kid.


Will it upset you if I donā€™t chill out petal?

Nothing at all know it all about a holocaust denier who knows better than any of the residents how to pronounce their placename :rofl:

Keep digging and taking the reacharound, youā€™re fairly rattled that you didnā€™t even revert to the standard :pint:

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