Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

In all fairness couldn’t begrudge Limerick last year,as long as Kilkenny didn’t win it

Mathematics isn’t your strong point, anything else you might be useful with around here?

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That 502 error that has plagued the entire forum.



Your neck in.

Man up or fuck off. A bit like your own team. Time to fuck off and win one for yourselves.
“As long as Kilkenny didn’t win it” FFS

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True words ref kk

Double treat tonight as Cork and Galway games on.

On where?

RTE 2 from 9


From 8, no?

Limerick-Cork at 8. Galway-Clare at 9, Limerick-Galway at 10.


Ah OK.

Great to have the new season upon us.

Mick Neville Park should be absolutely buzzing on Sunday afternoon for the McGrath Cup opener.

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The only noise around will be from the “boys” home for the Christmas.

Surely the only time to talk about winning two in a row is after winning one

Very low key on that score this year .

There was plenty of them in Fireworks (NCW) over the Christmas period anyway. They were coming out from Limerick to go there.

I had to pop down there yesterday to run an errand. They’ve the Main Street destroyed after Christmas & new year, broken glass all over the main road and footpaths plus all the litter.

That bookies in the town is a grim place.

Whisht now lads