Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Jesus wept
You’ve little enough to worry about
do you consider that a particularly cuntish comment?

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It is you who brought up violence, I have no option but to accept the challenge laid down.

yes in a way. picking at the guy ya know

And of all the comments you read this week that was the worst?

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it was in jest. i’ll fight you anyway sure for the crac. peoples park limerick 4pm. @anon61878697 can ref

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What was wrong with the comment? Seemed on the ball to me.

Pathetic :zipper_mouth_face:

Ah, you are now trying to change the terms laid down, I’ll accede to your wishes, it would be ungentlemanly of me not to do so. The game is afoot.

nope have read very little. unfortunate for you pal i caught your one.

Ah so he’s a Laois Langer FFS speaks volumes,:stuck_out_tongue:

And you’re from fucking nowhere- nothing land

I thought it was a bit picky at the lad and there was no need for it. my opinion. its a forum we cant all agree.

I don’t know what you think I said, I can’t believe that you felt it was worth your response.

He ‘stuck his neck out’ a year ago on the internet :smile:

ok man look at it another way. if it was one of your “mates” on here would you have said the same. my shite you would you’d have backed him and not thrown out the sarcastic comment.

There’s no response to that, I didn’t even realise I had any mates here,
If I was your ‘mate’ would you have gone out of your way to rebuke me for that incredibly mild comment?

ok pal, mates was in commas btw. in simple terms. if @gilgamboa for example called a rugby matter last year and posted it would you have posted a sarcastic response to him?

And to think we were lambasted for the Omerta.


I think you have the wrong end of the stick here. Apple was bigging himself up as some sort of hurling Nostradamus genius by “sticking his neck out last year”, Tracky took the piss out of him for that. As he’s free to do. You took Tracky to task over it as you’re free to do. Everyone disagrees with each other, and lads are having arguments and taking the piss -and so isn’t it all grand that’s what the place is all about? Tracky was right too by the way.

Anyway, Boylan, surprise pick. Must be going well in training. Hope he goes well. God knows the team needs more na piarsaigh lads.

What is that supposed to mean? You’re constantly having pops off @AppleCrumbled…what’s your issue?

What weapons are you allowing for this fight tomorrow?