Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Kirby. Gary

Some brain dead shooting, better decision making needed

But then Gillane had a chance earlier to tap it over but spooned it off for a goal chance that wasn’t on.

They don’t want to be in a situation where they have to chase goals.

Jaysus fucking Christ

He’s scoring from everywhere.

Mahoney has 3 points on the trot anyone marking him

Well so wasteful.

That Mahoney lad has had a great second half

Ballygunner getting the ball up, two hands on the hurley. Lots of bodies around the middle.

The effect of jp taking the spine of the well team on holidays before the game beginning to tell now.

Jesus Byrnes. Put it the other side.

Sin sin.

Ballygunner backs are just better. On the ball firstly but also that bit tighter. But I suppose both play off each other.

They are very well coached

Carey’s snide remarks beforehand coming back to bite him now, they’re fair shite today as well

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The well will get one or two sent off before this is over

Gutless second half.

The distraction of the trip to New York isn’t helping either I bet.

They hit too many wides anyway. Potshots that Lynch missed in the first half have been scored by Mahony particularly.

Will you ever give it a rest