Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

JK has enough heads to be ringing (solicitors, guards, the big house, the C/B, delegates etc.) without adding in another hape of potential trouble makers.

Cutting edge comedy here


You’d be wrong not to be in stiches with it boyo


There once was a young fla from Athlacca
Who engaged in a drunk New York fracas
I think we all can agree
Twas dumb of Malachy
But still; he landed one hell of a cracker.

Limerick Limerick Limerick

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Shay Mccarthy, plays a lot of soccer but committed to the club. Beast of a young lad

sad news reaching us from NYC… The dog Ryan kicked has passed.


I just got sent a video from Barbados :exploding_head:

She has some rack on her all the same.

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Might not be that one.

Was there a snooker table involved?

Does he play any hurling?

From your mate with the heart of gold?

More like this

The wagons circle again

Ave it you cunts …

Young Kyle Hayes might be asked to view some CCTV footage from Flannerys when he arrives home I’m led to believe?


@anon23727452 has excused Kyle’s behaviour as it did not happen while representing Limerick

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When he gets home from college?

Well I hope the college he goes to has values that don’t involve kicking a concussed innocent man whilst he’s on the ground. Luckily Flannerys provided the CCTV after the Icon claimed their footage was deleted by accident.