Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Limerick are the most talented group of hurlers in the country. It’s a shame their talent is compromised by the largesse bestowed upon them by an egomaniac who treats the city and county as his own personal fiefdom. Hurling and hurlers will always be a distant second to JPs need to feed his grandiose inflated ego

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Hate to say it, but you may be correct here.

It qives me no joy whatsoever to be right about this

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It’s hilarious you’ve jp yes men like @Breaking_my_balls @chocolatemicec @anon78624367 and a few more trying to defend the tax dodger at all costs because they think he actually cares about limerick hurling. It’s just like man city supporters defending their owners. It’s shameful. Jp gives money to the gaa to create easy good Will the public so people back off about his tax dodging ways. Jp is ruining our team from the in side out. No other team in the country would head off to a paradise resort for ten days in October after losing an all Ireland semi final. Limerick should do want Dublin did and head off on a charity fundraiser for people with nothing. That would be wonderful. It would connect with the people of limerick, bring the team closer and do a little good too. It’s shameful and sad what’s happening limerick gaa. I don’t care how much money mcmanus gives limerick he shouldn’t define us. It isn’t right. I truly believe this.

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They are, they are the best team in the country when they play to their best but instead of focusing on why we didn’t win the all Ireland and how we can regain our crown we are pandering to mcmanus. He should be told to fuck off.


I understand that The Gaelic Grounds is to be renamed Sandy Lane as part of the deal to take the hurling squad, management team, county board officials and associated hangers on to Barbados.


That would be a very welcome move… Maybe install a sand pit and beach bar upstairs.

He has done great things for the hurling team, and is by far the greatest Irish person of all time.

Let the lads off to Sandy Lane, they deserve it after an amazing 12 months of success, but leave it at that until next September.

The hurlers don’t need any further distractions from their quest to dominate the All Ireland hurling championship for the next 5 years.

Him being a great Irish person is an irrelevance. It has nothing to do with anything. he is totally destroying our senior hurling team. End of story.

Great post straight from the heart. The posters you named sadly see JPs chequbooks and it blinds them to the truth of whats really going on here. It is very much an Irish thing to anoint anyone who waves a chequebook around to saintly status, it was a clear marker in the old days of our lack of self sufficiency.

I actually believe such sleevenism, as endorsed by the like of uncle esteban, chocko and @balbec and co is part of the last remnants of British culture on these islands but instead of the royals these lads worship at the alter of a self confessed tax dodger. I wonder do they even know how JP made his money, they probably think he won it off Paddy Power :rofl:

And of course the sad thing here, in the midst of it all of this, is the bright shining light of natural hurling talent that defines this Limerick team, is forever dimmed.

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Ireland is a lot nicer than Barbados.

That’s what mcmanus is doing. creating an environment for hangers on to thrive in. I wonder how many times the suits will be flown to old trafford in the next 12 months in his helicopter. You’ve Dowling doing some great charity work for a friend of his who is very ill at the moment I believe or has some form of cancer. I read the go fund me page a few weeks back. They were hoping to raise 200k for this person to receive treatment so she can survive. That’s what’s going on around us in limerick. A homeless crisis too and various other social problems. They you’ve idiots on here trying to justify a trip for a hurling team where the cheapest room is 1200 dollars a night. How much will this junket cost? The people of limerick should be ashamed of themselves. It’s a disgrace. We’ve lost all sense of what is right. We’ve lost our humility. We are done again thanks to Mcmanus. I don’t blame the squad at all. The country board have drank so much soup it’s coming out their ears and they can’t say no for fear of the wrath of Mcmanus. I was coming out of croke park heartbroken after the Kilkenny game and I hear this cunt in a limerick jersey say “at least we’ve got the golf”. That’s what limerick gaa is about. Don’t even get me started on the poor senior footballers who apparently don’t deserve a holiday by all accounts.


I’m Italian mate.

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I am Lakota.

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Italians have self respect. They would never bow down to some self proclaimed overlord like you do to JP

Is there even a phrase for this? When People invest in sport for good will purposes and so the general public don’t turn on them for say tax dodging or what not. Sport grooming maybe.

The Irish were always easily bought. It didn’t even require money. The British ran the place for 800 years by buying drink for paddy.

JP will fly you there first class if you bend the knee

Is this still a thing?

If ye feel this strongly lads start an online petition to voice ye’re concerns.

WASL there’s an acronym for ye

Still the way in some places