Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Ah lovely. Haven’t seen a limerick team play like that in a while. None of the usual fifteen hand passes making no ground at the back. The year off did Neville the world of good.


He’s a credit to himself. at 12 or 13 he’d all the skills but was easily marked. Even by the time he was 15 or 16 he’d struggle with the physical side of the game. He’s 27 this year but my god he’s turned himself into some footballer. Hours of practice in the new field in Ballysteen paying dividends. One hell of a soccer player too. Would dribble past anybody.


he’s some change of gears.

How did Bob Childs get on?

Yep he’s that unusual ability to stop very quickly and start again very quickly. Pure acceleration and usually the back man can’t deal with it. You’d see it more from him in soccer.

I was privileged to be finding a seat for the last few minutes of that victory

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Can I watch it anywhere . Even listen to it

it’s a massage advantage in soccer alright to have that burst.

it’s streaming

It’s on in the LITGG so you can see it there

Think he still togs the odd day for rathkeale

here kiddo

His ability to kick off either foot is unreal.

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I’d hate to mark him anyways

I remember him playing centre back one day too he was absolutely mustard. Brilliant reader of the game.

he has genuine quality.

Gillane starting for Breen!

Hopefully Breen isn’t injured again… the poor chap can’t catch a break at all

From where bob ?

From the Gaelic Grounds

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