Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Enjoyable fare so far. Lovely forward play. Hurling is back baby!!!

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He had lightning pace is all. He hasn’t now

Jesus I missed it.

It’s grand that he’s getting to see a game on his Friday evening stroll around the LIT GG.

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Why isn’t tommy grimes on a limerick panel lads?

Hes picture perfect for Kielys system. A big athlete and he has an ocean of hurling

Killmallock hanging in

Ah he had the skill as well when he first broke on the scene, he has regressed so much over the years it’s crazy. His movement is appalling though.

He had a lot more than that . He was outstanding for Na P up to 2018 . Looks off the pace . He is 29 or so and been jinxed over last 5 years with injury .

He never had the hurling. He has to shoot on the spin cos he is so one sided and if he hasn’t the pace to break away he gets hooked or blocked

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He had pace, he would take lads on, burst past them…I dunno what happened him

The kilmullockers after dragging us down to their level in the rain.

He’s gone shocking in the air for a lad who it was his main strength. First thing I’d do as NAP coach is steal the ash guard

He always wore two.

Don’t know where we got that #9. He’s not up to much.

NAP keeper stepped out of the way of that one a bit. It was a bullet to be fair

Podge is a disaster

I honestly can’t see the logic in Paddy O’Loughlin up in the forwards. Moving him back could be the winning of the game for Kilmallock

K/p 3 up 1-14 to 14. Darren o Connell putting his hand up for limerick selection.

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Effin , or martinstown or kilfinane ??


Number 5 thinks hes bateing cattle with the hurley. A big awkward cunt