Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Topped it

NAP are rattled

Na Piarsaigh gone to fuck.

Mungret 1 up.

Wouldnt bermo just love to be able to turn around and say, warm up there, Shane

Draw again.

Kilmallock want this more

is there much left?

Killmallock hunting in packs now

NaP badly need a water break.

Hon @balbec

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Some small fella just heaped will o donoghue

Dempsey has been quiet enough, usually very good for them. Mulcahy again

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Ah lads unreal

Mul :heart_eyes:

Ah jesus

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Water break should help NaP

some scoring from him

Draw game. Normal time is up.

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Mul is giving an absolute exhibition here

We will see but they look out of sorts .