Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

News to me

You haven’t a clue mate. What a clueless synopsis of the game.

Pal, take off the blinkers. Waterford only got into gear for about 20 minutes and still won pulling up.

We were atrocious. Look at the mess Waterford were when Derek McGrath took over and look at them now. Three years of steady progression, playing a system that suits the players they have at their disposal. Have we improved one iota since the start of the league in 2014? No, in fact we’ve gone backwards.

The team looks devoid of spirit and drive. The whole thing is flat, no fire and brimstone which is something you’d always associate with us - even when we had much inferior players than the current squad.

You are over rating the players to come back in too also. How many players have we that have consistently delivered in championship? And that would get in the Waterford, Clare, Tipp, Kilkenny or Galway teams? I’d venture Quaid and Browne only. A lot of promising young lads admittedly but there seems to be no guidance there as to how to get the best out of them.

Ah I’m just very disillusioned by the whole thing. Can accept losing but when a lot of the wounds are self inflicted it’s sickening. Fucking sickening.

I didn’t at any point give a synopsis of the game. Who’s clueless now chubbs?

Yeah, but I expected it to be worse. What did you expect? In light of how bad I expected us to be, we actually weren’t that bad.

My team for the Championship.

S O’Brien
Wayne Mac
Jim Bob

Time for some hard calls.
Gav, Hickey & the two Lynchs dropped. Paudie O’Brien dropped as well (obviously).
Forwards all rotating apart from Jim Bob who drops out towards midfield.
O’Donovan is a bit of a bolter but I think Teege has given him a raw deal. I’d like to drop Richie as well and stick English in there but I’m not confident of anyone else in the full back line.

We lost by 11 points to a Waterford team that were barely interested in the first half - how is it not that bad? Did you expect us to lose by 21 points?

There are no crumbs of comfort whatsoever after that second half capitulation.

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There was an acceptable quota of Na Piarsaigh lads on so he doesn’t give a shit.


Yes. We had POB at centre back and did you see our selection of forwards?

Fanny BLOOD, (Daughter of Bindon Blood)
b. 1801-1808, Cranagher, Co. Clare, Ireland.
m. William HAMILTON,
b. abt 1800.
Fanny and William died without issue.

So what? You think Teege will just realise all of a sudden what a fucking eejit he is come championship?

Waterford were only in third gear yesterday.

The cunt stood frozen on the sideline and the game slipping away - why didnt he WHACK IT? He should have pushed everyone on and told them go direct- it was car crash stuff watching defenders fucking around with it and getting caught.

I hope not. He’d be riddled with remorse and self doubt and the only thing that will help us keep things respectable is belief. Believe Julio!

Sorry i got ye mixed up.

Ryan/ o’Donovan
Lynch Cian
D Dempsey
Mulcahy (I will be slated)

I might Regig the forwards a bit but let’s get the back midfield right first.I am a fan of Gav but he is under pressure. A central role might suit hom better. Tom Morrissey can hit the fress. If Mike Casey shows well he displces Condon. No modern day hurler should be overweight.

I’d have liked to see a team like that in the league. Too radical now at this stage, too many unknowns.

Hegarty isn’t flying in training at all and isn’t ever going to be good enough at half back.

Hickey Richie Richie
Byrnes Gavin Lynch R
Browne Dempsey
Lynch C
Hannon Downes Morrissey
Dowling Nash

I firmly believe that Hegarty will make a fine inter county player. But only time will tell.

+1 the kind of lad who won’t break through til he’s 23 or 4, we expect guys to come out of 21s fully formed these days but that’s not everyone.